YEOTY 2023
Year Group Winners
1st Year Winners

1st Year Prizes
1st Place
Name of Student: Eva Lowndes
Teacher: John Lowndes
School: Tullamore College
Project Title: What is the financial comparison between Ladies' Golf and Men's Golf

1st Year Prizes
2nd Place
Name of Student: Harry O'Riordan
Teacher: Mairead O'Sullivan
School: Glenstal Abbey School
Project Title: Curds and Why: Is import substitution creating more sustainability in the Irish Artisan Cheese Sector?
2nd Year Winners
2nd Year Prizes
1st Place
Name of Student: Rory Kinsman
Teacher: James Doyle
School: St Andrews College
Project Title: Why did electricity prices in Ireland increase by so much in 2022.

2nd Year Prizes
2nd Place
Name of Student: Gavin Connolly and Stephen Byrne
Teacher: John Lowndes
School: Tullamore College
Project Title: What is the impact of GAA sport on the Irish economy
3rd Year Winners
3rd Year Prizes
1st Place
Name of Student: Sophie O'Connor
Teacher: James Doyle
School: St Andrews College
Project Title: An investigation and comparison of the Japanese and Irish fiscal policies
3rd Year Prizes
2nd Place
Name of Student: Hugo Griffin
Teacher: James Doyle
School: St Andrews College
Project Title: Are national incentives to reduce carbon emissions likely to harm global trade?

3rd Year Prizes
3rd Place
Name of Student: Kiku Nakajima
Teacher: James Doyle
School: St Andrews College
Project Title: How COVID affected Ireland's airline industry
TY/4th Year Winners

TY/4th Year Prizes
1st Place
Name of Student: Malavika Manoj
Teacher: Ian Grace
School: Loreto Secondary School, Wexford
Project Title: 'An alarming comparison between now and the famine'. Has our relationship with the Irish economy changed?

TY/4th Year Prizes
2nd Place
Name of Student: David Oskwarek
Teacher: Colette O'Callaghan
School: Davis College
Project Title: The future of globalisation

TY/4th Year Prizes
3rd Place
Name of Student: Lauren Meaney
Teacher: Ellen Jones
School: Coláiste Muire, Ennis
Project Title: Fiscal Profligacy
5th Year Winners

5th Year Prizes
1st Place
Name of Student: ZiQi Ma
Teacher: James Doyle
School: St Andrews College
Project Title: How inflation affects economic inequality?

5th Year Prizes
2nd Place
Name of Student: Tabib Haque, Calum Conway, Mobashir Ahadmanish and Cian Carr
Teacher: Fergal Douglas
School: Coláiste Phádraig, Lucan
Project Title: African resource exploitation: De-globalisation and protectionism as future for African nations with consequences for all
5th Year Prizes
3rd Place
Name of Student: Valentina Baratta
Teacher: James Doyle
School: St Andrews College
Project Title: How can renewables tackle the current inflation crisis? EU case study
6th Year Winners

6th Year Prizes
1st Place
Name of Student: Matthew Kelleher
Teacher: Iain Cooney
School: Midleton CBS
Project Title: Is the current mechanism for purchasing wholesale energy fit for purpose and what can the Irish government do to improve it?

6th Year Prizes
2nd Place
Name of Student: Jamie O'Leary
Teacher: Iain Cooney
School: Midleton CBS
Project Title: What effective actions can the Irish government implement to tackle rising gas prices?
6th Year Prizes
Joint 3rd Place
Name of Student: Fabiola Grimmeisen, Mona Manno, Marlene Minch
Teacher: James Doyle
School: St Andrews College
Project Title: Croatia and the Euro
6th Year Prizes
Joint 3rd Place
Name of Student: Issac Lee, Luke Yang, Mathis Zeissig
Teacher: James Doyle
School: St Andrews College
Project Title: What are the factors influencing NBA ticket pricing?
Northern Ireland Winners

Northern Ireland Prizes
1st Place
Name of Student: Isabella Morgan
Teacher: Shane McComb
School: Sacred Heart Grammar, Newry
Project Title: Back to the Future: Is gold providing stability to central banks in unstable times?

Northern Ireland Prizes
2nd Place
Name of Student: Lily Brannigan, Lucy Johnston and Orlaith Lambe
Teacher: Shane McComb
School: Sacred Heart Grammar, Newry
Project Title: Unheard Consequences: Unveiling the economic implications of hearing impairment in today's society