YEOTY Resources
This page is to help teachers and students have the tools they need to complete their best possible entry to the Young Economist of the Year Competition.
This page will provide a range of resources that not only will help in this competition but could also provide some useful stimuli for your Economics class!
We hope you find the information useful. If you have any queries or any suggestions of resources that we could add please let us know by emailing

YEOTY CPD Webinar 2021
We are delighted to bring you details of our live webinar for teachers in relation to the Young Economist(s) of the Year 2022 initiative. We have put together a fantastic lineup of guests for our teacher professional development webinar, Thursday, 18th November 2021 from 7.00 – 8.30 pm.
If you are a teacher currently supporting students with their projects for entry to the PDST Young Economist(s) of the Year 2022 or your school is interested in getting involved in the future, this is a great source of information and ideas. Participants will hear from experts in the field of economics, ideas and tools for using data and research to support lines of inquiry along with members of the judging panel from previous years. So for a host of tips and information, we hope you can join us for the live event. Full details are available on the flyer.
Teacher CPD Webinar 2020
Every year the PDST and Young Economist of the Year organise a CPD day for teachers looking to get involved in the Competition and enter their students. This year, due to Covid restrictions the event has moved online.
To register your place to be part of this event, please log onto Full details of the event are outlined in the attached flyer below. Registered participants will receive a link to access the recorded webinar that will be premiered on the YEOTY YouTube channel on Monday, 30th November 2020 at 7 pm and can be viewed here on
A recording of the event will also be available afterwards in case you miss it!

How to Conduct Research
Conducting research can be difficult task. Where do you start? What sources can you trust? How can I make sure I'm not going to get accused of copying someones work? All of these are very important questions and essential to get right!
Lucky for us, Professor Rowena Pecchenino from the Department of Economics in Maynooth University has produced some excellent resources for you below!
Information Video on Income Inequality Special Interest Award
Sponsored by Maynooth Unversity
This short video gives an overview as to what the Income Inequality caused by COVID Special Interest Category is about.
YEOTY Marking Rubric
Students and teachers alike are always keen to know-how are the winners decided? Well, our team of judges, made up of the countries leading economics professors from Universities across the country and economists working with each of partners like the Central Bank of Ireland, IGEES and ESRI read through each project and grade them using a marking rubric. Each year the marking rubric is tweaked to take into account the feedback from the previous year's judging panel. The link below shows a sample of a draft rubric from last year's competition. Its important to note that this rubric may be altered slightly for the 2021 competition, but it should give you a general idea as to what is required!
Economic Inequality
Keynote Address at YEOTY CPD Webinar 2020
Professor Miquel Pellicer from the Department of Economics at Maynooth University gave an inspiring keynote address at the YEOTY CPD Webinar on 30th November 2020.
Attached below is his presentation from the evening and above you can re-watch his segment from the webinar (available after the webinar is first streamed).
Minimum Wage
Discussions on the minimum wage is something regularly discussed in the media, by politicians and of course economists! Tuvana Pastine from Maynooth University has produced this really interesting video on the topic. In the first part, it teaches minimum wages in a perfectly competitive setting, and then there are two interviews with academics and policy influencers.
Economics of Climate Change
Protecting the environment is more topical now than ever before. Climate change affects all our lives, including economics! At the 2019 YEOTY teacher CPD day in Portlaoise, there were two fantastic presentations on Climate Change, one from Lisa Neary from the UCD Energy Institute and one from Kelly de Bruin from the ESRI. A copy of both their presentations can be found at the links below.